  • To develop programming guidelines.
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Worker: Architect

Workflow Details:

Tailor the Programming Guidelines

You should specify, or use a preexisting programming guideline (a language style guide) to achieve a homogeneous implementation. You can use the ready-to-use programming guidelines for Ada, C++ and Java.

You may have to tailor the programming guidelines to cover the areas that are relevant for the programming language(s) you are using. See section "Tailoring" in the Programming Guidelines

The programming guidelines should specify how to present code layout and commenting, how to use naming conventions, and how to use language features. It should also describe precautions regarding certain language features. 

Capture Decisions

Document in the Artifact: Programming Guidelines, all decisions. 

Copyright  ⌐ 1987 - 2000 Rational Software Corporation

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